January dry run

Anyone else feeling like this January has been the longest year of the year?

This has been a weird one for sure. In the U.S. its all politics and sports, lots of anger and fear. In the Middle East and Ukraine the wars are just as hot as they have ever been. And in every corner of the world people all have opinions on …well….everything.

That’s not a bad thing. We need to have these difficult conversations, we need to talk about how we feel in the micro and macro. Regardless of what you think the people in charge of world politics should do, whatever they are doing is having an effect on our lives. A big effect.

In the spiritual sense: We’re all connected, think “butterfly effect”, each event positive or negative is felt by everyone, everywhere.

In the mundane: What happens around the world has a direct effect, either financially, mentally, and sometimes physically. The internet exacerbates these effects. Just by the nature of it, it connects us to people we would never know pre-internet.

I know, I know “Rebeca, there has been war, famine, plague, before and we’ve had the internet forever!!”

Well, we haven’t had the internet the way we do now forever and those things did not happen to us (living now) with the internet. The sheer mindscrew of Covid-19 in how we view our lives and operate on the planet has not really been dealt with. There is a section of humanity who is part of the “Covid is over, move on” and another part that is still reeling from the effects, personally.

Then we add in the financial component, inflation, job fear, the great resignation and strike era. Life is wonky, nothing feels really solid and that can be incredibly mentally taxing. See why we need to talk about it?

Individually we will not stop all of the crazy things happening in the world. There is very little anyone can do on their own. Even those in power are having a hard time navigating this new world. The rules we all knew, and taught our kids are no longer in effect and that can be incredibly disorienting. I’m here to say, feel it. You’re not crazy, you’re not being dramatic. If you are empathic you’re feeling the world and all of the emotional ups and downs. Even if you’re not, all of the things that are being effected by this new (new) reality are probably hitting you. You are not alone.

Moving on to the next month of 2024 (FINALLY!!!! gah) here are a few things that I have found really helpful.

  1. Be self centered

    • that does not mean be a jerk. It means put yourself first so that you are able to function. If you are drained, don’t go out for drinks with friends. If you have a lot going on, don’t take on other people’s responsibilities “to be helpful”. Take the walk, go to the gym, drink the tea or coffee or adult beverage and relax on the couch for a few.

  2. Watch your health

    • In case you’re wondering COVID IS NOT OVER. Ok, people are no longer dying at an incredible rate and the medical systems (in areas that are not at war) are not collapsing in on themselves but Covid is still popping around and can really wipe you out. Please (for the love of all that is holy and unholy) do not “push through” refer to point 1.

    • Food is our frienemy. It can be so good, and comforting and can also cause us to feel like crap. Do your best to figure out what foods are making you feel good and comforted and what isn’t then proceed accordingly.

    • Hydrate!! Drink fluids like they are life saving, because they are. Water with lemon, mint, or a tiny bit of salt. Honey, lemon, ginger, mint tea are amazing. Drinking straight water is good, but not super hydrating because you’re body just pushes most of it through and out.

      1. Sleep. Most of us are not getting enough sleep. Again refer to point 1. Are you an 8 hr sleeper, a 6 hr sleeper? Make a chart and see what your emotional and mental health are saying to you when you sleep ( I slept 8hrs, I feel groggy and off or I slept 6hrs, I feel tired and annoyed). This will help you to figure out what your sleep hygiene needs are. this may change

Finally I am not a doctor, I am not espousing medical advice what I am doing is telling you things to think about and explore with your doctor or medical advisors. The water thing is from my dear Jennie French who now guides me from the other side. She taught me that long ago. Take care of you


Stop saying you’re sorry, because you’re not.


New Year, plot twist