That was fast


I’m not really sure what happened to March (or April) for that matter. It feels like life is just whizzing right past us. Let’s check in, shall we?

There was an eclipse that blotted out the sun and a bunch of us got really excited and geeked out over it, and others had grumpy faces and sneered and snickered at those of us who enjoyed the day with childlike wonder. Can you guess which one I was?

Wars got hotter. The world doomsday clock got a little bit closer to midnight (or at least it should). This thought seems to be echoing through the biodome. The conspiracy theorists started with red cows and coming-of-end days. The real issue though is that the world is so interconnected that we’re constantly bombarded with news from war zones and natural disasters.

Speaking of natural disasters (although it was fine) NY, NJ and parts of CT and MA had a shake-up with two earthquakes. Crazy storms whipped across the globe bringing floods, tornados and lightning. If one did believe we’d get a heads up to the end, the past couple of weeks sure did offer some real world reasons to feel that way.

However….it’s not the end.

Not even close. It is the beginning, the beginning of beautiful things. Spring is coming in the northern hemisphere and cooler temps will help the Southerners cool out. More people are tuning in and having hard discussions about life and how we want to live. Changing the vibe from sleepwalking to (dare I say it…) awakened. Nothing new coming in comes in gently. Trees burst forth, earthquakes and volcanoes erupt to create new lands, and wildfires burn to make way for new flora and fauna. And as my mother likes to say “gotta crack a couple eggs to make a cake”. Life is not really going all that fast, we’re just feeling that way because of the way we live life.

So let’s make a deal to slow down, take a break and smell the clean air after the rain. Listen to the animals once the eclipse passes. Listen to people to listen not to respond. Let’s get back to being part of the world not just living on the earth.


When you can’t see the bright side, I’ll sit with you in the dark….


I didn’t forget you!