Wait!?? There’s a magic school at teachers COllege?

Oh yes…yes there is!

A well kept secret (at least it was to me) in the halls of Teachers College is there is an institute studying and advancing the research of all things esoteric, mystical and even magical with an edge of psychology and heavy on the well documented, sourced and studied.

This program is like a fever dream come true. I used to have endless conversations about this kind of program. Wishing that there was a place to study all of the things that people were afraid to talk about. To engage with people of like minds and open hearts in an academic space.

The idea that I get to wander the halls of the #1 ranked graduate school talking to peers about parapsychology, animism, meditation, religion, magic and science is beyond amazing and I am soaking up every drop. I’ve launched a business with one of the schools amazing business professors, revamped my coaching business and in the spring of 24 I even get to pop across the street to Union Theological and take a class on mysticism and revolutionary change.

This is my friend’s, is what you call living a magical life.


Just what is a.. SAH?


LIfe/spiritual coaching is just pop psychology