When you can’t see the bright side, I’ll sit with you in the dark….

Anyone who knows me knows I love Alice in Wonderland (the original) and this quote is one of my favorites. It perfectly sums up what good communication looks like. It accepts the needs of the person who can’t people, while showing empathy and compassion.

Today I need to be the sad little burrito. Wrapped in a blanket, filled with yummy food and warm. I can’t explain why, today is just a sad day. I no longer run from the unpleasant feelings that come up. I no longer confront them and rage at the demons. I sit, I dance, I cry, I breathe. I human.

The Prince asked if I wanted to talk about it (he’s such an amazing human #blessed) and I said “no thanks, I’m just cranky.” and he accepted it, because we have a solid bond and have had the hard conversations. So we feel safe in being ourselves, even when cranky. This is what I try to teach people. It’s important to have open communication so that those around you who are important to you can understand you.

The love languages are real, and important but the best thing you can do is talk. Unless you’re dealing with a psychic, people can’t read your mind. Quite frankly, they shouldn’t have to either.

I know these kinds of conversations can be difficult, but it’s like potty training. It is so hard and there’s lots of crying and mistakes (sometimes it stinks and is poopy) but when it’s done it makes life so much easier. Believe me having open conversations and letting people in isn’t always terrible. It can work out pretty well most of the time.


Ohh oh domino


That was fast